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Yearly Yoga courses in South of France at Saint-Antoine

Next summer course with Sudhir TIWARI and Nathalie ANTHONY at Saint-Antoine-l’Abbaye :

from August 24th to 29th 2015

KAIVALYADHAMA is one of the oldest centres for the study and research of Yoga. Founded at the beginning of the XXth century by Swami KUVALAYANANDA, it has carried on, up to the present day, the spirit of authenticity which prevailed at its foundation.

Sudhir TIWARI, the son of Sri O.P. TIWARI, was brought up in Kaivalyladhama amidst rich traditional yogic heritage. He followed his father’s teachings. He was also trained in the two sciences of Yoga and Ayurveda by Swami DIGAMBARJI, Swami KUVALAYANDA’s first disciple.

Nathalie ANTHONY has been a direct student of Sri O.P. TIWARI for the last 25 years. She translated his teachings over 20 years and has been his assistant during workshops and training sessions in France and in India.

They both belong to the International Network of KAIVALYADHAMA teachers.

Further information coming soon.


For over 20 years, we have organised encounters, courses and Yogic retreats in France or in India. Our summer encounters present the study of classical traditional Yoga and its realm of knowledge at great depths via various viewpoints.

For several years our encounters have taken place at the Saint-Antoine old abbey near the town of Valence. We are hosted with great competence and warmth by the Arche community founded by Lanza del Vasto following his meeting with Gandhi and Vinobha in 1948. The spirit of the community encourageing non-violence and is particularly in harmony with our own philosophy. The wonderful medieval village of Saint-Antoine-l’Abbaye has for thousands of years been a centre of pilgrimage and healing and bears a very distinctive energy, enhancing our sense of well-being and our practices. The vegetarian food proceeds directly from the large organic vegetable and flowered garden. Our week course unfolds in a very serene and joyful atmosphere.