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Nathalie ANTHONY Founder of the school


She is a graduate of "Catherine ASHMORE Yoga School" : Diploma of qualification for the teaching of Yoga" (Paris 1983), "Certification Course for Pranayama" (Kdham Lonavla 2008) and a graduate of the Gordhandas Seksaria College of Yoga and Cultural Synthesis" "Certification Course of Yoga (Kdham Lonavla CCY 2012".)

Nathalie has been teaching since 1982. She has a passionate interest in teaching and pedagogy. She devotes herself to the study of yogic tradition , as well as transcribing teachings and translating texts.

She brings to all her students her experience and expertise based on the double training she received :

- a sound knowledge of anatomy of the movement and physiology applied to Yogic practices allowing a structuring way of performing Asanas and an accurate teaching about breathing techniques,

- the traditional and authentic knowledge of Yoga referring to the texts as Sri O.P. TIWARI of the KAIVALYADHAMA Lonavla Yoga Institute has passed it to her, along with the knowledgeable senior teachers and physicians of the Institute.

In private lessons or personal post training she focuses her teaching depending on cases upon :

- an original approach restoring and revitalizing the muscle chains and joints

- correcting and going deeper into the practices


Nathalie has always felt fundamentally interested in the human being, both in his behavioural reality as well as in his relationship to the Ultimate Reality. Yearlong she has committed herself to an in-depth study of the individual as a whole : mind, body and soul.

In France for 18 years she very closely followed the teaching of Catherine ASHMORE with whom she still works. During her years of training for the "Yoga teaching aptitude degree" (Catherine ASHMORE School, 1983), she was lucky enough to also study with Jacques THIEBAULT.

She equally did Chinese Energetic Studies with Jean-Louis BLARD (national degree in Traditional Acupuncture – 1986) and taught massage (certified Master Practician degree, "The Conscious Body" J.L. ABRASSART 1985).

A study tour on Yoga and Ayurveda in India in 1989 was to have a lasting influence on her life, for it was there that she met Sri O.P. TIWARIJI and became his direct disciple. It is thanks to him that from then on she receives traditional Yoga knowledge, such as it is still passed on by a few masters in India.

During this journey to India, she also met SHANTARAM VAIDYA (1911 - 2006) a reputed Ayurvedic doctor, who was to become her « grandfather » and initiated her in Indian culture. More recently, it is MIRA, whom she met at the Vedantic Centre of Gretz (near Paris), who very generouly shares her love of books and of India with her.


She would like to thank all her teachers who have taught her all she knows and who have contributed to her growth.